Every Monday and Friday a group of HAM Operators meets at Tim Horton's at Wrights Corners NY to get together and shoot the Breeze
4th Annual LARA Outside Hamfest more details to come.
The next LARA will be on Wednesday, 02/26/2025, at 7:00 PM at Cambria Volunteer Fire Company
4631 Cambria Wilson Rd, Lockport, NY
Also VE sessions for those who want to get or update their HAM Radio License
will be held at 7:30 pm at the Fire Hall
Also for those HAM Radio Operators that have DMR Hotspots LARA has a Talk Group on the TGIF Network the TG name is LARA TG ID is14094
LARA SwapNet returns on September 22, 2024, and runs every other week
Got to LARA SwapNet page for the latest schedule
Amateur Radio Newsline™
Every Sunday 1:00 PM to 1:25 PM
Every Sunday afternoon from 1:00 PM to 1:25 PM, W2RUI will relay the transmission of Amateur Radio Newsline™ from the East Coast Reflector, via AllStar Node. Note that the Node is set to Monitor Mode which means it can only transmit to the single AllStar node to which it is connected.
Thank you to everyone who helped at the 2024 LARA Summer Hamfest to make it a great success!!!
Also, thank you to everyone who came to the LARA Summer Hamfest. We hope you had a great time.
Thanks to everyone who helped set up and participated in this year's 2024 ARRL Field Day.
This year LARA operated 4 radios. 4A WNY W2RUI was the identification used when making contacts on CW, and Phone.
Welcome to our 2024-2025
Club Officers and Board Members
President Mike Schlee KB2TRU
Vice President Jim Meahl KB2JM
Secretary Mark Christensen KB2GD
Treasurer Open
Board Members:
Jim Bradley N2BIC Term ends August 2029
Angelo Delbalso WA2NNZ Term ends August 2028
Ronald Dusen WB4RON Term ends August 2027
Tony Stokes KN1M Term ends August 2026
Ethan Blanton KB8OJH Term ends August 2025
The W2RUI Repeater Has Moved!
A lot has changed this year with The Lockport Amateur Radio Association. Our repeater has moved to a new location on Upper Mountain Road near Mt View Dr. Our antenna is now at the top of a 250 ft tower, which gives us twice the coverage of our old site. That site's antenna was at 80 ft. We can now be heard as far south as Cuba, NY and as far north as Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Our repeater is a Yaesu DR-2X which accepts both analog and Fusion on the input. We have a CTCSS tone of 107.2 Hz. All are welcome to key up and say hello. Someone is always listening! Last but not least, we have added Allstar to our repeater with a remote node. Our node# is 60050. If you are interested, try it out and have some fun!
Mike KB2TRU President
Here are some photographs of the new site.
Thank You For Another Great ARRL Field Day
This Year 2023 !!!!
Thanks to everyone who helped set up and participated in this year's 2023 ARRL Field Day. This year, LARA operated 4 radios. 4A WNY W2RUI was the identification used when making contacts on CW, Phone and Digital modes.
LARA at the Niagara County Fair August 7th, 2022
Special thanks to Mantelli Trailer for the use of the trailer and tent.