Sunday Night Check In

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The Lockport Amateur Radio Association conducts a Weekly Sunday Night Check-In Net

on the W2RUI ( 2 meter) Repeater on Frequencies 146.220 / 146.820 (PL Tone 107.2)

that they own and maintain in Lockport NY USA

Times given are in "EDT" < Daylight Savings adjusted, Eastern Standard Time USA >

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The L.A.R.A. Repeater CHECK-IN Net is Held EVERY Sunday all year Even during our Summer Meeting Break

The Check In Starts at 8:00pm EST

Stop by and say Hello

Net is Open To All Licensed Amateur Radio Operators within Our Repeaters Range

Please Remember Proper Repeater Etiquette on Our or Any Net

Most Nets > Call For Their Club Officers to Check-In 1st

Followed By A Call for anyone else wishing to Check-In

1) Call Repeater > "W2RUI"

2) Un -key Mic to listen for Repeaters Courtesy Beep

(also to see if 2 callers are talking at same time)

3) Then Proceed to SLOWLY and CLEARLY (info is being handwritten into a LOG)

Give Your : ♦ Call Sign ♦ 1st Name ♦ QTH (your current Town location)

You may say "No Traffic" or "No Comment" if you are just Checking In

But If You Wish to Comment

WAIT Until NET CONTROLLER Acknowledges You & Calls You Before Commenting


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Scheduled Net Controllers from 6/2024 to 8/2024

Date     Name         Call

6/2//2024 Jim M       KB2JM

6/9/2024   Hector       KB2VWD     

6/16/2024   Jay       KE2BFU

6/23/2024    Dick     KB2TFD   

6/30/2024    Angelo WA2NNZ  

7/7/2024 Jim M       KB2JM      

7/14/2024   Hector       KB2VWD

7/21/2024    Jay       KE2BFU     

7/28/2024    Dick     KB2TFD

8/4/2024 Jim M       KB2JM      

8/11/2024   Hector       KB2VWD

8/18/2024    Jay       KE2BFU     

8/25/2024    Angelo WA2NNZ  

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Note to Sunday Night Net Controllers: If you must cancel

Contact Hector KB2VWD as the Alternate

Net Control Script

The Time on the Repeater being 8pm Eastern Standard time we will begin saying

"Calling The Lockport Amateur Radio Association’s Sunday Night Net"

"Calling The Lockport Amateur Radio Association’s Sunday Night Net"

This is (Call Sign & First Name) in (Location Town), New York.

I will be your net controller for this edition of L.A.R.A. Check In Net

This net meets every Sunday at 8PM for the purpose of Exchanging CLUB Information

and Information of General Amateur Radio Interest.

For the duration of this Net I will using the the Club Call, of W2RUI

Membership in L.A.R.A. is not necessary to participate and we accept requests from all licensed Amateurs

When Checking In, Please Give the Club CALL Drop the repeater (unkey pause and then rekey),

then follow with your CALL , FIRST NAME & QTH (location) for the log.

I ask that you give your Information Slowly and Clearly

so I may Log the your Check-In Information Properly


If at any time during the net there is an emergency,

Simply break in. We will assist in any way we can.

Let me take a stand by for any emergency use of the W2RUI Repeater (approx. 10 seconds)


It is the practice of this NET to FIRST take Check-Ins from LARA Officers & Board Members

Then General Check-Ins 

> A reminder that Each Sunday, September through May this Net is followed by Our SwapNet


Now, Let’s Open this NET with CHECK-INS from OFFICERS and BOARD MEMBERS



Suggested Net Ending

This will conclude this session of the W2RUI Check-In NET

This is (Call Sign & First Name) Returning the W2RUI Repeater to Normal Amateur Radio Operator Use

And A reminder to check out our web page at WWW.LOCKPORTARA.US 

73's & Good Night to All, From the Lockport Amateur Radio Association .

NET Control Script Downloads