(as Last Revised & Accepted on March 30th 2019)

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ARTICLE I: Name and Purpose (Preamble)

Section 1.0) We the undersigned being desirous of securing for ourselves the pleasures and benefits of the association of persons with the common interest of AMATEUR RADIO do hereby enact this Constitution and By-Laws as our governing law.

Section 2.0) The association shall be known as the Lockport Amateur Radio Association. (Herein referred to as LARA)

Section 3.0) The association shall pursue goals benefiting its member’s pursuit and enjoyment of the hobby of Amateur Radio.

3.1} The development of its members knowledge, understanding and skill in the Amateur Radio hobby.

3.2} The advancement of the Amateur Radio service in general.

3.3} To serve the community and the public through Amateur Radio.

3.4} Our Mission is to promote Amateur Radio as a valuable and beneficial avocation.

3.5} LARA is not for profit and shall not be operated for pecuniary profit.

3.6} To be of aid and assistance in providing emergency communications to the community as a whole.

3.7} To be in compliance under (501.C.4) IRS Tax Code Civic, Social organization.

Section 4.0) The association shall obtain and maintain affiliation with the AMERICAN RADIO RELAY LEAGUE (ARRL).

ARTICLE II: Membership

Section 1.0) Membership in LARA shall be open to all persons who profess an interest in Amateur Radio and a willingness to abide by this constitution and by-laws.

Section 2.0) Application for membership shall be made in writing at any regular meeting.

Section 3.0) A member shall be accepted upon a majority vote of the members present at the meeting.

Membership becomes effective upon payment of dues and voting rights begin with the following meeting.

Section 4.0) Membership is kept on a yearly basis. A member is in arrears if his dues are not paid by the third meeting after the beginning

of the organization's fiscal year. Delinquent members may regain member status within the same fiscal year by paying the

dues in arrears. Past members from previous years must reapply as a new member.


This Status is for person(s) whom have been members of L.A.R.A but whom have become physically disabled and can no

longer attend regular meetings and would otherwise leave our association. ~OR~ This Status may also be requested

for persons whom serve in our local government Or a position relating to the amateur radio hobby.

Any current member in good standing of LARA may make the motion for an individual to be given Honorary Membership Status,

at any regular association meeting. Member must be approved by majority vote of members present.

“Honorary Members” will not have an active vote in club decisions, nor shall they be counted in the requirements for a Quorum.

“Honorary Members” will be issued a membership card and have the right to attend all Regular Meetings and functions including

member only events, such as but not limited to Picnic and Christmas Party.

“Honorary Members” cannot serve as association: Executive Officers, Directors or Committee Chairman’s.

“Honorary Membership” status must be renewed year to year, just as a regular membership is.

Honorary Members as non-voting members shall not be counted as part of the “Membership in Good Standing” for a Quorum


Section 1.0) In order to oversee the operation of LARA officers shall be elected. The officers shall be a

• President, • Vice-President, • Secretary • Treasurer.

The term of office shall be defined as starting JUNE 30th of each year Or when previous officer holding that position makes a complete transfer of officer’s materials and records following that year’s election, whichever is sooner.

1.1} President.

The President shall preside at all meetings of LARA and conduct the business of the club in accordance with this constitution and by-laws.

The President shall decide all questions of order, enforce the constitution and by-laws, and sign all papers or constitution and by-laws

adopted by LARA. The President shall perform all the customary duties of the office of President and represent the Club as such.

1.2} Vice-president.

The Vice-President shall assume all duties of the President in the event of the President's temporary absence.

The Vice-President shall chair the program and publicity committees.

The Vice-President shall maintain close liaison between the club and emergency groups including the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service

and the ARRL Amateur Radio Emergency Service.

1.3} Secretary.

The Secretary shall keep the normal records of the club and attend to all club correspondence.

The Secretary shall record minutes and attendance of all meetings. The Secretary shall preside in the absence of the President and Vice-President.

1.4} Treasurer.

The Treasurer will keep the financial records and be custodian of the records of the locations of all club property, reporting monthly

and turning over all records, accounts and inventory of property to his successor on demand.

The Treasurer shall make all records available for audit at the direction of the President.

The Treasurer shall create and submit to the President & Secretary to be read at September Meeting, approved and be kept in record.

An Association Minimum Operating Budget for the upcoming year, showing required payments for yearly recurring debts:

such as (but not limited) to insurance fees, repeater council fees, ARRL fees, meeting hall donation.

The Treasurer shall preside in the absence of all other Officers.

Section 2.0) Section 2.0) The Officers shall hold office for a term of one year. An Officer may be reelected to succeed himself.

To be eligible to hold office nominees shall be members in good standing for no less than one year. Only the President and Vice President must hold a valid amateur radio operator’s license.

Section 2a) In the case that the President and Vice President are unable to be present at the LARA monthly meeting. The order of succession to run the meeting shall be given to Director of 1 year and/or Director of 2 years.

Section 3.0) A nominating committee shall propose a slate of Officers for submission at the second-to-last meeting of the fiscal year. These candidates, plus any nominations from the floor, shall be voted upon at the last meeting of the fiscal year. A quorum shall be present. Voting shall be held in the order of President, Vice-President, Secretary, and then Treasurer. An unsuccessful candidate for an office may then be available for nomination for subsequent office. Secret ballots must be used in any contested election.

Section 4.0) Vacancies occurring between elections must be filled by a special election at the next regular meeting.

ection 5.0) Officers may be removed by the membership upon a motion and three-quarters vote of the members in good standing at that date.

Non-attendance of Officers (without valid reason) shall be cause for removal.

Section 6.0) In order to perpetuate the long-term interests and continuity of LARA, and advise the officers, there shall be established a Board of Directors.

This Board of Directors shall consist of five members in good standing for no less than one year, and hold a valid amateur radio operator’s license.

The terms of the Directors shall be for five years and be staggered so that there shall be one Director elected each year.

An additional Director shall be elected if there is a vacancy due to resignation lapse of membership or death of an existing Director and shall be for the remaining time of that term.

The Board of Directors shall assist the incumbent officers in policy matters and long-range planning. A meeting of the Board and Officers shall be held at least once each year and additional meetings may be called at the request of the President or three Directors.

ARTICLE IV: Meetings

Section 1.0) Regular meetings are to be held monthly at a time and place set by the club.

Meetings shall be set and announced prior to the close of the previous meeting.

Section 2.0) Special meetings may be called by either the President or by request, presented to the President in writing, by five members in good standing.

All members in good standing shall be notified by First Class U. S. Mail of any special meeting and its purpose, time and place.

Only such business indicated in the notice may be transacted at the special meeting.

( Per ARTICLE VIII: Rules of Order Section 1.0)

Attendance of 10 or more Full Members in good standing shall constitute a quorum at membership meetings for the transaction of business.

ARTICLE V: Dues and Assessments

Section 1.0) Dues necessary to carry on the normal and expected expenses of the operation of the Club shall be levied on an annual basis.

The fiscal year for membership purposes shall commence in September (First day) and run through August (Last Day) of each year.

1.1} Dues rates for the following fiscal year may be set upon motion and vote of the membership at any regular meeting.

Section 2.0) Assessments for special or unexpected expenses may be levied upon approval of the membership.

Such assessments may be levied either on a per-capita basis or upon a participatory basis.

ARTICLE VI: Committees

Section 1.0) The President shall appoint any committees as needed to pursue the interests of the organization.

The President is considered, out of courtesy, a member of each committee, even if unable to participate actively,

and shall be kept informed of the committee's activity.

Section 2.0) The President shall also appoint the following standing committees:

2.1} Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) Committee. This Committee shall assist members and affected parties with assistance and know-how to alleviate problems of interference to radio, television, telephone and other electronic devices.

2.2} Repeater Committee. This Committee shall maintain and operate a VHF or UHF repeater or repeaters for use of the club membership and the amateur community. This Committee shall maintain affiliation and frequency coordination of the Club's repeaters with the current frequency coordinating body for our area. Trustees of such repeaters shall be Committee members.

2.3} Club History. This Committee shall be appointed to preserve the history of the Club with pictures, articles, movies or video, awards or citations, past Secretary's records, Club newsletters and the like.

Section 3.0) “Executive Board Meetings”

The President (or acting President) may call an Executive Board Meeting of

The President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and all 5 Directors for the Sole purpose:

1) To approve payment of yearly recurring bills. Or payment of “new” bills that will become yearly reoccurring.

2) To approve expenditure of funds up to $1,000 due to an emergency or natural disaster.

3) To approve expenditure of funds due to damage to of our repeater or of any the related cables, antenna or equipment.

Which require immediate attention, due to a failure to reach a quorum at a 2 consecutive regular meetings OR the occurrence of an unforeseeable event(s).

3 of the 4 Executive officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer) and 3 of the 5 Directors must be present to constitute a quorum

Minutes of Executive Board meeting & any expenditure made must be read to membership at next regular meeting.

ARTICLE VII: Amendments.

Section 1.0) This Constitution and By-laws may be amended in accordance with the following:

1.1} Proposed amendments to the Constitution and By-laws must be submitted by a member in good standing in writing at a regular meeting. The amendment shall be read at the meeting and upon acceptance, the amendment will be tabled for vote at the following meeting.

1.2} The full text of the proposal and any relevant information shall be submitted to the Website Editor to be published on the LARA Website and e-mailed to the members individual addresses as they gave upon their membership form at least 30 days prior to the meeting at which the proposed amendment is voted upon by the general membership. A two-third vote of the full members in good standing, present at the meeting shall be required for passage.

ARTICLE VIII: Rules of Order.

Section 1.0) Attendance of 10 or more Full Members in good standing shall constitute a quorum at membership meetings for the transaction of business.

Section 2.0) In the absence of specific rules for a question of order in this Constitution and By-laws, Robert's Rules of Order shall be used to govern all proceedings at each regular or special meeting. or the President shall decide the question without further question of order.

Section 3.0) Unless, specified otherwise in this constitution and By-Laws, all motions at regular or special meetings shall be passed upon a vote of 50% (Note: Actually 51%) of the members in good standing present at the meeting.

ARTICLE IX: Dissolution of Association

Section 1.0) In the event the Association is dissolved, the Association shall be liquidated with the proceeds and remaining assets,

thereof donated as designated by the Officers and Board of directors to other qualifying Amateur Radio Associations,

Chapters, or Organizations in a manner the Board shall designate.